1 | Department of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh | www.dteap.ac.in/ |
2 | Department of Technical Education, Arunachal Pradesh | apdhte.nic.in/ |
3 | Department of Technical Education, Assam | dheassam.gov.in/ |
4 | Department of Technical Education, Bihar | bspporg.bih.nic.in/ |
5 | Department of Technical Education, Chattisgarh | www.cgdteraipur. ac.in/ |
6 | Department of Technical Education, Goa | www.dtegoa.gov.in/ |
7 | Department of Technical Education, Gujarat | dte.gswan.gov.in/edte/Default.aspx |
8 | Department of Technical Education, Haryana | techeduhry.nic.in/ |
9 | Department of Technical Education, Himachal Pradesh | www.techeduhp.com/ |
10 | Department of Technical Education, Jammu and Kashmir | www.jkdte.org/components.php |
11 | Department of Technical Education, Jharkhand | sbtejharkhand.nic.in/ |
12 | Department of Technical Education, Karnataka | dte.kar.nic.in/ |
13 | Department of Technical Education, Kerala | technicaleducationkerala.gov.in:8080/dte/ |
14 | Department of Technical Education, Madhya Pradesh | www.mptechedu.org/mptech /index.asp |
15 | Department of Technical Education, Maharashtra | https://www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in |
16 | Department of Technical Education, Manipur | ednmanipur.nic.in/ |
17 | Department of Technical Education, Meghalaya | www.meghalayaeducation.net/polytechnic/ |
18 | Department of Technical Education, Mizoram | mizoram.gov.in/department/hitech.php |
19 | Department of Technical Education, Nagaland | nagatechnicaledu.nic.in/ |
20 | Department of Technical Education, Orissa | www.dtetorissa.gov.in/index.php |
21 | Department of Technical Education, Punjab | dtepunjab.gov.in/ |
22 | Department of Technical Education, Rajasthan | www.dte.rajasthan.gov.in/ |
23 | Department of Technical Education, Sikkim | sikkim.nic.in/dte/rtidte_ch01.php |
24 | Department of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu | www.tndte.com |
25 | Department of Technical Education, Tripura | www.tripuradhe.in/Education/Index.aspx |