CENTRAL ACEDAMY S SEC has been established in 1995 and it is Pvt. Unaided school. It is situated in Urban area. It is located in BARAN WARD NO 3 of BARAN block of BARAN district of RAJASTHAN. The school provide education from Grades 1 to 5. The school is Co-educational and it does not have an attached pre-primary section. It is non-residentail school.

This school has about 264 students and of the total students about 40.15% are girls. The school has 2 male teachers and 4 female teachers.

UDISE Code: 08310115402 Copy UDISE Code

  • UDISE Code: 08310115402 Copy UDISE Code
  • Village/ Town: BARAN WARD NO 3
  • Cluster:BHEEM GANJ WARD-7 (NS)
  • Block Name:BARAN
  • District: BARAN
  • State: RAJASTHAN

  • Management: Pvt. Unaided
  • School Type: Co-educational
  • School Category:Pr. with Up.Pr. sec. and H.Sec.
  • Established in: 1995
  • Teacher Males: 2
  • Teacher Females :4
  • Teachers with Professional Qualification:100.00
  • Student Teachers Ratio:44

  • Total Students:264
  • SC Students %:0.00
  • SC girls % to SC : 0.00
  • ST Students % : 0.00
  • ST girls % to STs :0.00
  • Muslim Students Percentage:7.20
  • Muslim Girls Percentage to Muslim Students :57.89
  • OBC Students Percentage :39.77

  • School Area: Urban
  • Rooms for Teaching : 1
  • Other Rooms: 0
  • Common Toilets: 0
  • Number of Blackboards: 0
  • Number of Computers: 0